How we work

Our Theory of Change

How we intervene

GRP delivers a suite of strategic interventions through three work areas that set out
to add value to the work of our individual Partners:


We identify and support on the ground innovation by designing and running challenge competitions. Through these competitions, we surface bold, innovative ideas with real-world impact that may start small, but have the potential to scale and tackle the world’s most intractable problems. We provide training and mentorship for entrepreneurs and project leaders, and connect them to funders.


We generate and share the latest resilience knowledge, promote transformative learning and advance research. We work to democratise knowledge generation, integrate different types of knowledge, and build communities of practice to increase the understanding of resilience and foster ongoing learning.


We accelerate ambition and action on climate resilience to shape policy and increase investment flows to where they are needed the most. We focus on bridging the voices and experiences of local actors to the regional and global policy spaces to ensure they inform the global policy discourse and relevant resilience frameworks.

Three opportunities

Regenerative and equitable food systems

Reimagined finance flows and structures

Communities at the heart

Geographic focus

Our 4 long term outcomes linked to our programmes

Outcome 1

Restructuring food systems and nurturing resilience entrepreneurship in fragile regions

Tracy Keza

Innovation Challenges

Seeds of Transformative Resilience

Outcome 2

Facilitating collaborations between formal and informal stakeholders for inclusive and equitable resilience outcomes

Urban Resilience in Informality

Resillience Hub

Outcome 3

Brokering dialogues, transformative learning for resilience professionals and centering young people’s perspectives

Resilience Evidence Coalition

WYSER Leaders

Outcome 4

Supporting a wider diversity of financial actors to embed resilience as part of strategies, operations, and reporting

PREPARE Call to action

Appolinary Kalashnikova, Unsplash

Mobilising Business schools for Adaptation

Read more in our 5 year strategy