Whistle blower
If you suspect, or are aware of, any corrupt practices, irregularities, safeguarding issues, or other wrongdoings related to GRP’s operations – we encourage you to report these. You can report allegations such as bribery, fraud, embezzlement, conflict of interest, nepotism, discrimination, sexual exploitation, abuse or sexual harassment and other forms of harassment.
Please use this function to report on allegations concerning GRP staff, downstream partners, suppliers and other actors or persons involved in activities related to GRP’s operations. All reports are assessed on a case by case basis. GRP will investigate all reports with credible and sufficient content.
GRP strives to protect the identity of whistle blowers, if necessary, however GRP cannot guarantee anonymity. You can protect your identity yourself by using an e-mail address that cannot be linked to the reporter and by removing any signature that is attached to your e-mail account.
Read more about how GRP processes personal data in our Privacy Policy.
GRP cannot investigate
- Allegations concerning development projects and programmes that are not supported or financed by GRP.
How to report
Send an e-mail to investigation@globalresiliencepartnership.org
Describe the incidents that you wish to report and state the person/s or organisation/s that are subject to the allegations.