Day 2: Wednesday, 21 June 2023

9:00 – 10:30 SAST | Fireside Discussion | Hall D

Discussion about the key themes and patterns that emerged during the first day.

Hall D (in-person) / Plenary Room (virtual)
[calendar link]

Dr Greg Collins, University of Arizona 
Dr Joanes Atela, Africa Research & Impact Network
Beth Chitekwe-Biti, Slum Dwellers International
Dr Nadia Sitas, Climate & Development Knowledge Network
Luca Russo, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 
Shuchi Vora, Global Resilience Partnership

10:30 – 11:00 SAST | Coffee Break

11:00 – 12:30 SAST | Parallel Tracks

People and Household Track: Recurrent monitoring, counterfactuals, and the power of panels

Hall D (in-person) / Room 01 (virtual)
[calendar link]

In line with USAID’s new resilience strategy, this session will explore the perspectives of various evidence users and producers on the power of panel data, recurrent monitoring and counterfactuals for resilience measurement and evidence.  Examples of these approaches in practice will be presented and discussed.

Dr Yeon Soo Kim, World Bank
Dr Ayan Mahamoud, Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD)
Luca Russo, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)  
Jill Scantlan, Mercy Corps
Dr George Kembo, Food and Nutrition Council, Zimbabwe
John Meyer, USAID
Moderated by Dr Simone Verkaart, Global Resilience Partnership and Nate Ives, USAID

Communities Track: Rethinking agency: How do we measure shifts in agency and power?

Hall C (in-person) / Room 02
[calendar link]

The Locally Led Adaptation Principles are hinged upon shifts in power and agency of communities. However, resilience and adaptation programmes continue to design interventions such that communities are final beneficiaries of technology, finance and knowledge. 

This workshop-style session will capture assumptions and values behind the choice of measurement approaches for this desired shift in the agency of communities and explore how we might measure or track progress of Locally Led Adaptation.

Joseph Badevokila, Climate & Development Knowledge Network
Dr Aditya Bahadur, Adaptation Research Alliance / IIED
Priya Pillai, Asarpa
Dr Gina Ziervogel, African Climate & Development Initiative, University of Cape Town
Michelle du Toit, Climate & Development Knowledge Network

Urban Systems Track: Urban evidence needs and gaps for policy, investment, and decision-making

Room 07 (in-person) / Room 03 (virtual)
[calendar link]

This session will explore the constraints of the data being used for decision making, policy, and investment at an urban scale, and delve deeper into how we bridge the evidence needs of policy makers, investors, decision-makers while ensuring the inclusion and agency of evidence producers (urban communities, especially urban poor).

Charlton Ziervogel, Community Organisation Resource Centre (CORC)
Siraz Hirani,  Mahila Housing Trust
Amanda Gcanga, World Resources Institute
Daniel Sullivan, City of Cape Town
Kara Reeve, USAID

Socio-ecological Systems Track: Exploring Diverse Knowledge Needs and Interests of Actors for Strengthening Social-ecological Resilience

Room 08 (in-person) / Room 04 (virtual)
[calendar link]

This session builds on the WHAT and HOW sessions of this track to focus on knowledge-action partnerships for resilience building and what evidence is required, co-produced and used in these processes.

Ameil Harikishun, Climate Development Knowledge Network
Dr Ashutosh Limaye, NASA​​
Dr Sumetee Pahwa Gajjar, PlanAdapt
Zizipho Royi, Climate Development Knowledge Network

Market Systems and Value Chains Track: Evidence production and use: Meeting the needs of stakeholders

Room 09 (in-person) / Room 05 (virtual)
[calendar link]

This session will explore the needs and priorities of evidence users and producers ( including implementers, funders, private sector, and INGOs) and the demand for evidence-driven solutions. We will discuss the roles of different stakeholders involved in evidence production and its use, including risk assessments by the private sector.

We will delve into the demand for evidence-driven solutions, discussing the needs and priorities of different stakeholders, how these are being addressed, and what gaps exist. Finally, we will explore opportunities for strengthening the use of evidence and addressing any gaps in meeting the needs of stakeholders.

Margie Brand, Vikara Institute
Prof Ralph Hamann, Graduate School of Business, University of Cape Town 
Monica Borrero, UNDP
Herman Brouwer, Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation

12:30 – 13:30 SAST | Lunch

13:30 – 15:30 SAST | Cross-Cutting Sessions

Women’s leadership, gender, and inclusivity

Room 08 (in-person) / Room 02 (virtual)
[calendar link]

The confluence of recent crises —from intensifying climate change to the COVID-19 pandemic to the war on Ukraine—have had different and often disproportionate impacts on women in all their diversity and exacerbated gender inequality. Even before the latest food price crisis, COVID-19 had pushed an additional 47 million girls and women into extreme poverty, at least 126 million more women than men were experiencing food insecurity, and the incidence of GBV had increased. Risk and resilience are highly gendered and so should our response.  

This session will share the latest evidence on gender and resilience and will highlight policy and programmatic best practice and learning, including data driven decision making.

Dr Elizabeth Bryan, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Dr Carlo Azzarri, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Jacqueline Manisabwe, World Bank
Opper Maravanyika, CARE USA
Anu Fashola, Mercy Corps

Health and resilience

Room 09 (in-person) / Room 05 (virtual)
[calendar link]

The session will explore examples of emerging approaches, tools, and guidance on resilience measurement, analysis, and evaluation for health sector programming. Topics will include health system resilience indicators, mixed methods to assess loss of maternal, newborn and child health (MNCH) gains in fragile and conflict-affected settings, adapting recurrent monitoring surveys for health sector programming, as well as improving the integration of nutrition into resilience-strengthening programs.

Eta Mbong, Isabelle Bremaud, Cougar Hall, Momentum Integrated Health Resilience (MIHR)
Dr Saqif Mustafa, World Health Organization (WHO)
Ralf Moreno Garcia, UNICEF
Dr Nancy Mock, University of Tulane
Nefra Faltas, USAID

The role of agriculture in creating resilient food systems

Hall C (in-person) / Room 04 (virtual)
[calendar link]

Agriculture plays a key role in creating resilient food systems – from drought-tolerant and pest-resilient seeds, efforts to reduce post-harvest losses, and many other efforts to increase agriculture productivity while considering the natural resource base and impacts of climate change.  Evidence shows that growth in the agriculture sector is up to four times more effective at reducing extreme poverty than growth in other sectors of the economy.  Building resilient systems is essential to meeting an increased agricultural demand for a growing  global population.

The session will present the latest evidence and solutions on the role resilient agriculture production systems play in building resilience at multiple levels.  Examining impacts at the farmer, community and  system level.

Dina Esposito, USAID
Dr Ousmane Badiane, AKADEMIYA2063
Assoc Prof Laura Pereira, Global Change Institute, Wits University / Stockholm Resilience Centre
Tony Gathungu, Syngenta Foundation
Dr Namukolo Covic, International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)
Dr Tilahun Amede, Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA)
Dr Tafadzwa Mabhaudhi, International Water Management Institute – South Africa

Sustainable poverty escapes, graduation and migration

Hall D (in-person) / Room 01 (virtual)
[calendar link]

This session will explore economic inclusion, poverty escapes and the role of migration as an adaptive strategy.  The topics are unified by their focus on sources of resilience that transcend technical sectors, including women’s empowerment, social capital, agency and mobility.  It will also explore the challenges of translating evidence on the importance of these sources of resilience into effective policy and programming.

Dr Andrew Shepherd, IDS/Chronic Poverty Advisory Network
Dr Joseph Simbaya, Institute of Economic and Social Research, University of Zambia
Colin Andrews, World Bank
Dr Nompilo Ndlovu, University of Cape Town
Dr Rita Larok, AVSI Foundation
Dr Sam Owilly, Boma
Tim Frankenberger, TANGO
Brad Sagara, Mercy Corps

Conflict and resilience

Room 07 (in-person) / Room 03 (virtual)
[calendar link]
Conflict and violence drain resources and human capacities, undermining social cohesion and economic activity, and preventing the long-term planning and investment that poverty-alleviation and sustainability efforts require. In recent years, resilience approaches have increasingly been implemented in fragile and conflict-affected places and resilience has also been discussed as a tool for, and a key part of, peacebuilding efforts. But thinking in this space is in its infancy and there is a need for more and better evidence on what builds transformative resilience–including peace–in conflict affected contexts.

This session will discuss the meaning of resilience in conflict settings, going beyond ideas of resilience as just “bouncing back” and seeing it as a truly transformative capacity. We will then explore what evidence we have on how transformative resilience can be built in these contexts and what tools are available to monitor, evaluate, and learn about resilience in these contexts.

Jennifer Abdella, Near East Foundation
Christine Gottshalk, USAID
Olga Petryniak, Mercy Corps
Prof Dicta Ogisi, SPARC
Miriam Berretta, 3ie
Dr Albert Norström, Global Resilience Partnership / Stockholm Resilience Centre

15:30 – 16:00 SAST | Coffee Break

16:00 – 17:30 SAST | Plenary Sharing back & Sensemaking | Hall D

We will bring together the insights and learnings from the five tracks to make sense of the ideas and perspectives that have been shared. Attendees are invited to share their own observations and perspectives on the themes and the connections they see between them.

Hall D (in-person) / Plenary Room (virtual)
[calendar link]

17:30 – 19:00 SAST | Failure Festival | Atrium

Failure is a necessary part of any learning, yet we often shy away from discussing it openly. In this session, we will break the taboo around failure and create a safe and supportive space for attendees to share stories of failure, learn from each other, and celebrate the lessons learned.

This session will not be broadcast online.