Day 3: Thursday, 22 June 2023
9:00 – 10:30 SAST | Plenary Workshop – Resilience Evidence and Principles | Hall D
This plenary workshop will provide the participants the opportunity to contribute to the co-design of a set of resilience evidence priorities and principles, which will be documented and summarized in the post-REF Synthesis Report.
Hall D (in-person)
This session will not be broadcast online.
10:30 – 11:00 SAST | Coffee Break
11:00 – 12:30 SAST | Cross-Cutting Sessions
Measurement Frontiers
Hall D (in-person) / Room 01 (virtual)
[calendar link]
This workshop style session will be used to present and discuss frontier issues and measurement gaps in resilience measurement – including from evidence users perspectives – and creative solutions for addressing them.
Dr Monicah Kinuthia, Government of Kenya
Dr Tulika Narayan, Mathematica
Dr John Ulimwengu, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
Zalynn Peishi, World Food Programme (WFP)
Simon Garikayi, CARE Zimbabwe
Dr Greg Collins, University of Arizona
Policy Approaches to Integrate Diversity and Equity in Multi-sector Programming: Next steps and Opportunities
Hall C (in-person) / Room 02 (virtual)
[calendar link]
This reflective session will be guided by a series of questions relevant across the Day 1 and 2 sessions. The session will summarize key implications, next steps, and opportunities to integrate principles of diversity and equity in multi-sector programming.
Beth Chitekwe-Biti, SDI Secretariat
Sarah Berry, USAID Ethiopia
Kay Tuschen, InsuResilience Global Partnership
Dr Suzanne Carter, Adaptation Research Alliance (ARA)
Ariana Karamallis, SDI Secretariat
Shuchi Vora, Global Resilience Partnership
Investing in systems that reduce risk: Lessons, next steps, opportunities
Room 8 & 9 (in-person) / Room 03 (virtual)
[calendar link]
This session will provide a space for reflection and discussion to identify key lessons learned, next steps, and opportunities in ensuring financial and investment flows support systems that reduce risk. We will take stock of the discussions during the Forum and explore next steps and implications in taking a market systems approach to evidence measurement that is relevant for both the private sector and the development and adaptation sector.
12:30 – 13:30 SAST | Lunch
13:30 – 15:00 SAST | Closing Plenary | Hall D
The closing plenary will reflect on the key themes and insights that emerged from the Resilience Evidence Forum.
Hall D (in-person) / Plenary Room (virtual)
[calendar link]