Cross-cutting roundtable: Climate Action and Resilience (COP24)
This document provides the outcomes of the Action Event at COP 24, Scaling up investments in climate resilience to meet the needs of vulnerable people. This was the Resilience Roundtable of Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action.
The COP24 GCA Climate Resilience roundtable, building on the first time COP23 GCA high-level events on resilience and the Global Climate Action Summit, focused on actions that public, private and community actors are taking and will be taking to accelerate investments to meet the needs of the most vulnerable people and countries to enhance climate resilience. Thirty-two high level actors presented their interventions at this year’s roundtable. They represented a diverse mix across sectors and geographies, including governments at Ministerial and local level, private sector actors, financial institutions and investment firms, grassroots and civil society organizations, international and local NGOs, academia, faith-based institutions and think tanks.
The recently released IPCC 1.5 degree report was welcomed as strong evidence for urgent climate adaptation and resilience action at scale, which is also essential for mitigation and vice versa. There is clear urgency to scale up investment across and within sectors, especially in energy, land use and ecosystems (including oceans), human settlements, infrastructure and industry. Climate investments should, in particular, take due consideration of Small Island Developing States (SIDS), Least Development Countries (LDCs) and other countries vulnerable to climate extremes, shocks and stresses. Climate adaptation and resilience building are understood as the foundation and cornerstone of sustainable development. The focus shall not be on the cost, but on the economic and social benefits of adaptation and resilience.