Resilient Agriculture Innovations for Nature (RAIN) Challenge

RAIN aims to convert seed-level innovative agricultural ideas that are meeting resilience needs in East Africa and scale them to sustainable business ideas.

Kelvin Trautman | Kands Collective

The Global Resilience Partnership (GRP) has partnered with the Shockwave Foundation and the MunichRe Foundation on the Resilient Agriculture Innovations for Nature (RAIN) challenge to convert seed-level innovative agricultural ideas that are meeting resilience needs in East Africa and scale them to sustainable business ideas. The aim is to identify new innovative agricultural initiatives and provide customised support to maximise each initiative’s potential for impact. The challenge aligns potential funders to these initiatives and drive attention to the urgent need for agricultural systems transformation.

RAIN is open to rural farmers, entrepreneurs, organizations or consortiums of organizations across public, private, civil society and grassroots organizations as well as academia in East Africa (Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda).

Winners will be connected to investors, receive a tailored mentoring program, and communications support. In addition, winners will be invited to an investor forum and pitching session in-person or virtually.  Subject matter experts will facilitate a leadership academy for the winning entrants. Winners will also receive a cash prize after the initial mentoring period and after the leadership academy.

RAIN Phase I was launched at COP27, and the winners were announced in January 2024. RAIN Phase II applications closed on 30 January 2024. The shortlisted candidates will be announced in 2024. Learn more about RAIN Phase II here.

Learn more about the RAIN Phase 1 winners here.


Community-Based Organisations’ impact: Why partnering with CBOs is crucial for sustainable agriculture

In this blog, Ashley Mutiso, Co-founder of Itanya Africa Group, a RAIN Challenge winner, details training sessions with local farmers, where they shared sustainable agricultural practices and learned from the farmers' expertise.

The unseen pillars: How social capital empowers female smallholder farmers in Kenya

The Itanya Africa Group, one of the RAIN Challenge winners, through an intimate baseline study, explores the significant role social capital plays in the lives of female small-holder farmers in Kenya.

The rise of regenerative farming in Ikunu, Githunguri Sub-county

In this photo story, Benedict Isiaho of CAFAESUP, one of the RAIN Challenge winners, describes how the project is implementing regenerative agriculture to foster sustainable food systems within communities

Meet the RAIN Round 2 Shortlisted Candidates 

23 seed-level initiatives have been selected as part of RAIN Challenge Round 2 and over the next several months will work in collaboration with GRP to receive tailored mentoring and leadership training. 

CAFAESUP:  Empowering farmers through regenerative practices

Interview with Hamis Said Hincha, Project Lead of CAFAESUP, one of the nine winning projects of the RAIN Challenge