Resilience is now widely recognised as a critical factor for thriving in the face of escalating climate impacts, whether in the private sector, community organizations, or governments. This is particularly true in the Global South. Unlike mitigation, resilience does not have a specific numerical target associated with it. Instead, it represents a range of actions that require collaboration across sectors and engagement with complex systems, tailored to specific local contexts. This complexity can often lead to confusion and inaction. However, this session aims to simplify the concept of resilience by distilling its five key attributes through real-life experiences shared by resilience leaders in their respective fields. Attendees will not only be energised by engaging musical performances but also gain practical insights into how resilience can be effectively implemented at all levels.
For a deeper understanding of the basis for this session, we invite you to read this recently published paper on the Dimensions of Resilience.
Facilitator: Dr. Nathanial Matthews, CEO, Global Resilience Partnership
– AY Young, UN SDG Champion
– Sheela Patel, founder and director of the Society for the Promotion of Area Resource Centres (SPARC) India
– Joshua Amponsem, Founder, Green Africa Youth Org, Director, Youth Climate Justice Fund