Event Recording
The Covid-19 pandemic has exposed how the most marginalised and poorest populations are hit the hardest. The same is true for climate change impacts. This session held at the Resilience Dialogues will look at how lessons from COVID can be used to raise ambition and further empower communities as they build resilience to the risks of climate change.
Grassroots organisations all over the world have taken up a proactive role and adopted innovative ways to respond to Covid-19 using localised coping mechanisms. These include sharing knowledge and resources among communities lacking basic services, diversifying livelihoods and ensuring food security, fighting misinformation, challenging social barriers and gender-based violence. In spite of limitations in their mobility and activities, these grassroot groups have made extraordinary achievements in meeting community needs during the crisis. Many of their self-help strategies were already developed during years of tackling poverty and climate change impacts; but they are also innovating new forms of local cooperation and mutual support.
Critically, community members and grassroots organisations are articulate and specific about the support they need from governments and other external actors to help them get back on their feet. As the world begins to move towards a post-COVID society, the focus should be to ‘build back better and fairer’ with collective efforts from all sectors of society. This session will highlight the crucial roles that are played by grassroot groups in building community resilience and will explore the practical ways they can partner with others to create more resilient societies.
Mr Nigel Topping the UNFCCC High-Level Champion will join the session to take forward recommendations to the Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action on advancing equitable and just ambitious action.
Read more about the event here.