D&C Days: Reshaping a Resilient Future in Response to COVID-19

Event Programme

The COVID-19 crisis has exposed the vulnerability of our global society to systemic risks. Learning from this crisis is crucial, since it is a harbinger of a new global risk landscape where events such as pandemics, financial crashes and synchronized food shocks spread more quickly and widely than ever before. Critically, this new risk landscape is having disproportionate impacts on vulnerable and marginalized groups. Clearly, we cannot “recover” back to business as usual from the COVID-19 shock. We need to build a resilient future that ensures the capacity to sustain, or improve, human well-being in an equitable manner and in the face of systemic uncertainty, shocks and change. Resilience science and practice has provided rich insights on the attributes and types of interventions that underpin truly resilient, long-term development. This is the moment to start translating this progress into broader-scale action that builds resilient economies, societies and communities in a post-COVID-19 world.

Join us for this moderated discussion where we will:

  • Reflect on the commitments made by major policy actors – like the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund and the European Union – towards building resilience as an important objective of COVID-19 recovery plans
  • Explore the key dimensions and attributes of resilience that can allow us to deal with the new risk landscape of the 21st century
  • Discuss and unearth what kind of specific interventions can help operationalize these resilience attributes, and set us on course towards a resilient post-pandemic future


  • Albert Norström, Head of Knowledge and Evidence, Global Resilience Partnership
  • Saleemul Huq, Director of the International Centre for Climate Change and Development
  • Nisha Krishnan, Senior Finance Action Track Associate, Global Commission on Adaptation
  • Oonsie (Reinette) Biggs, Co-Director, SARChl Chair, Complex Systems in Transition

Context and Organisers

This session is part of the Development & Climate (D&C) Days event – traditionally held each year in the middle weekend of the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). In 2020, the 18th Development & Climate Days will take place online on 2 and 3 December as part of the Understanding Risk Forum 2020. To attend the event, register for the UR2020 Forum, and add this event to your agenda.

The session is co-organized by Global Resilience Partnership (GRP), Stockholm Resilience Centre (SRC), World Resource Institute (WRI), International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD), Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Complex Systems in Transition (CST)

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