Frontline Funds: Investing in Grassroots-led Responses to Climate Change

Join us for this London Climate Action Week online event on 30 June 2021 to explore the role of frontline funds as effective mechanisms to build resilience for grassroots-led responses.

Climate change has a disproportionate effect on communities at the frontlines. Despite experiencing first-hand the impact of the climate and nature crises, these communities continue to be among the most overlooked as solution providers and knowledge holders. 

This online event will explore how civil society-led mechanisms can deliver the solutions that are urgently needed at the local level.

Grassroots organisations have a demonstrated ability to innovate and produce solutions that work and can be replicated. Networks of organisations have produced, organised and mobilised communities and, with the right support, are well placed to champion climate change processes that can rapidly increase community resilience and reduce vulnerability. Support is growing for locally led initiatives, with more than 50 organisations now having signed up to the principles for locally led adaptation.  

The urgency of climate action and what is at stake at UNFCCC COP26 provides an opportunity to reshape conventional narratives – to promote ‘business-unusual’ approaches. 

We want to move away from business-as-usual approaches and design transformative long-term mechanisms that ensure that:

  • Money gets where it matters
  • Accelerate local climate resilience and adaptation
  • Multiply the potential of grassroots organisations as change-makers
  • Advance climate justice
  • Respond to the needs, priorities and interests of grassroots organisations and vulnerable communities, and
  • Place values of equity, solidarity and human dignity front and centre of climate action.

This event brings climate finance providers, foundations and multilateral organisations together with grassroots organisations and social movements to discuss the role of frontline funds as effective mechanisms to build resilience that is driven at the local level.

This event is hosted in partnership with Huairou CommissionSlum Dwellers InternationalClimate Justice Resilience Fund and Global Resilience Partnership as part of London Climate Action Week 2021

About the speakers

Welcoming remarks by Andrew Norton, director of IIED


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