Innovating for Climate Resilience

Climate change has the potential to wipe out decades of progress in improving the lives and livelihoods of people living in the developing world, just as the COVID-19 pandemic has done over the past 18 months. But innovation offers solutions that can accelerate development progress.

Despite the funding that has been directed towards climate action in recent years, a lack of quality data and information, a limited understanding of the needs of affected countries and populations and a perception that return on investment will be low, has led to innovators and entrepreneurs focused on climate adaptation and resilience failing to attract the funding they need to test the effectiveness of their innovation. Now is the opportunity to put innovation at the centre of the response to the development challenge of climate change, and to ensure that the world’s poorest people are not left behind.

Join the Global Innovation Fund as they launch a new fund dedicated to investing in resilience and adaptation solutions in partnership with the Global Resilience Partnership and under the umbrella of the Adaptation Research Alliance. The Global Innovation Fund and Global Resilience Partnership will be joined by a range of expert panelists for a wide-ranging discussion exploring how the development community can accelerate global progress by funding evidence-based innovation focused on climate adaptation and resilience, how innovation is a cost-effective vehicle for delivering social impact, and how we can most effectively support low- and lower-middle-income countries to cope with the worst effects of climate change.

The objective of this event is to shine the spotlight on the role of innovation in Resilience and Adaptation, and the need for finance for this.

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