Recognizing the extremely rich work that is already being delivered and undertaken by development partners such as the NAP Global Network, UNFCCC, UNDP, UNEP, FAO and many others; in order to build further global collaborations and expand support to countries wishing to enhance or embrace new adaptation planning processes, GGGI, Columbia University, The Adaptation Fund, The Coalition of Finance Ministers and other partners are participating in a series of dialogues and working sessions creating an open programmatic development process through the second half of 2024 and into early 2025. This process will seek to zero in on some of the fundamental opportunities for improving NAP usability as a means of accelerating adaptation delivery as well as looking at developing answers to how enhanced NAPs can also better link to finance.
Defining New Structures for Adaptation and Resilience Finance: High Level Panel at COP 29
This special event will include the presentation of the GGGP Report on Financing for National Adaptation Plans.