Resilience Hub: Knowledge for Transformative Action Towards a Resilient Future

In this engaging and interactive session, participants will learn about ways of generating and using local knowledge on adaptation and resilience, ways of forging innovative researcher-practitioner-community partnerships and components of an enabling environment for moving research and knowledge into action for effective adaptation.

In this engaging and interactive session, participants will learn about ways of generating and using local knowledge on adaptation and resilience, ways of forging innovative researcher-practitioner-community partnerships and components of an enabling environment for moving research and knowledge into action for effective adaptation.

The session will be hosted by the Climate and Development Knowledge Network, the Resilience Knowledge Coalition and the Adaptation Research Alliance – three major, global initiatives that seek to ensure that action to enhance adaptation and support resilience that stems from a robust foundation of research, knowledge and learning. These three initiatives will share their different but complementary approaches to ensure adaptation action is locally-led and able to tackle the challenges of climate change in the 21st century.