Sharm el Sheikh Adaptation Agenda: The Opportunity to Accelerate System Transformation for Resilience

Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action event at UNFCCC COP27

The past seven years have been the warmest years on record. Adapting to our rapidly changing climate requires new solutions and ambition. Solutions do exist. But we we must drive financial flows to the last mile to ensure solutions are sustained, just and can be appropriately scaled up or scaled out.

COP27 is an opportunity to increase financial flows for adaptation and align finance with efforts to reach the local level. 

In this event, we will connect actors and sectors working on adaptation and resilience, and showcase the impact that combined actions can achieve. While no single ‘silver bullet’ exists around one type of action, meaningful actions require an array of responses and solutions. Those who are most affected by climate change must also be involved in the design and implementation of climate responses to ensure the benefits are inclusive and equally shared.  

Join us during this event to explore what adaptation opportunities exist for your work or sector, in alignment with the goals of the Race to Resilience and the Paris Agreement.


Welcome: Marcia Toledo, Resilience Lead, UN Climate Change High-Level Champions
Opening remarks: Katherine Hayhoe, climate resilience scientist
Vision of the 2030 Adaptation Outcomes as COP27 Legacy: Dr. Mahmoud Mohieldin, UN Climate Change High Level Champion, COP 27 Presidency

TED Talk Pitches & Panel Discussion: Showcasing System Transformation for Adaptation in five systems (Oceans, Food, Human Settlements, Energy, Water)
Karen Sack, Executive Director, Ocean Risk and Resilience Alliance (ORRAA)
Maria Helena Semedo, Deputy Director-General, FAO 
Sheela Patel, founder Director of the Society for Promotion of Area Resource Centres (SPARC) 
Ashvin Dayal, Senior Vice President, Power & Climate, The Rockefeller Foundation
Ana Asti, Undersecretary of Rio de Janeiro on water, natural resources and investments

Performance: Emtithal (Emi) Mahmoud, Poet, Activist, Founder and UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador

Fireside chat on accelerating Africa resilience.
Moderated by Bogolo Kenewendo, UN Climate Change High-Level Champions’ Special Advisor, Africa Director
Minister Lee White, Minister of Water, Forests, Sea, the Environment charged with Climate Change and Land-use planning, Gabon
Lindelwe Lesley Ndlovu, CEO, Africa Risk Capacity on Africa Insurance Facility launch

Fireside chat on Mobilising Private Finance for Resilience.
Moderated by Kathy Baughman McLeod, Senior Vice President & Director, Adrienne Arsht–Rockefeller Foundation Resilience Center at the Atlantic Council
Julian Enoizi, President of Public Sector Risk Solutions, Guy Carpenter 
HE Bakoa Kaltongga, Vanuatu’s Special Envoy on Climate Change
Meggan Spires, Director, Energy and Resilience, ICLEI Africa

Closing Remarks and Call to Action: Emma Howard Boyd, Ambassador Race to Resilience 

The full event concept note is available here.


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