World Water Week 2022

Seeing the unseen: The value of water

World Water Week 2022 will take place 23 August to 1 September online and in Stockholm! This new edition will offer opportunities to connect face to face and propose online components to engage worldwide. Join World Water Week to address the world’s most pressing challenges under the theme ‘Seeing the unseen: The value of water.’

The theme of the 2022 World Water Week is: Seeing the unseen: The value of water. 

Many of the world’s most urgent water challenges are invisible to the naked eye: the availability and state of our groundwater, the global streams of so-called virtual water, and the impact water has on people, nature, and economies. World Water Week 2022 is built on a global need to not only see, but to understand, and – more importantly – value water.

This overarching theme is captured in three main perspectives: 

  • The value of water for people and development. 
  • The value of water for nature and climate change. 
  • The financial and economic value of water.

World Water Week is where academia meets decision-makers, where experience meets young perspectives, where national institutions meet non-governmental organizations. It is where knowledge is shared and solutions take shape, during seminars, workshops, case studies, masterclasses, expos, and networking. Only by collaborative efforts can we address the water challenges and create lasting change.

The call for session proposals for scientific abstracts opened on January 19, 2022. 

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