
GRP at London Climate Action Week

GRP Areas of work: Policy Theme: Climate change

In December 2018 Sadiq Kahn, the Mayor of London declared a climate emergency. As part of a response to this declaration, the city will hold its first ever London Climate Action Week (LCAW) from 1-8 July.


Climate experts from various sectors will run events across the city focusing on local, national, and international actions. The Global Resilience Partnership (GRP) will be active at LCAW, engaging in a high-level event and supporting a group of grassroots representatives from Least Developed Countries (LDCs) to participate in activities throughout proceedings.

EVENT: Leading from the front: responding with urgency to the climate emergency

Monday 1 July, 13:00 – 16:00 BST, The Willis Building, 51 Lime Street, London, EC3M 7NP, United Kingdom

Hosted by GRP partner, the International Institute of Environment and Development (IIED), this event will bring together representatives from Least Developed Countries (LDCs), grassroots community organisations and climate action leaders.  GRP CEO, Deon Nel, will be chairing the opening panel: Responding with urgency to the climate emergency at 13:00. Panelists will discuss the implications of the IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C and explore the bold visions for urgent, ambitious actions that different actors are taking to build a fair, sustainable and resilient future.

Panelists include:

  • E. Mr Lamin Dibba, Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Natural Resources, The Gambia
  • Prof Myles Allen, Oxford University and Coordinating Lead Author on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Special Report on 1.5 degrees
  • Emma Boyd, UK Commissioner to the Global Commission on Adaptation (GCA) and Chair of the UK Environment Agency
  • Violet Shivutse, Director of Shibuye Community Health Workers and Chair of Huairou Commission Governing Council
  • Prof Rupert Read, University of East Anglia and Extinction Rebellion

GRP is supporting 15 representatives from grassroots organisations and local movements to participate in London Climate Action Week as part of the 2050 Climate Collective. The representatives will share challenges posed by climate change, resilience-building practices and convene dialogues for transformative change in the context of the urgency of climate action. One of the expected outputs of their work in London is to co-design a shared vision with clear messages and an action plan for the UN Climate Action Summit.

About IIED: The International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) is an independent research organisation that aims to deliver positive change on a global scale.

About the 2050 Climate Collective:  The collective is a grassroots-led platform for collaboration, evidence generation, advocacy and capacity strengthening that aims to enhance the representation, collective voice and capabilities of grassroots organisations and social movement, particularly where women are in the lead. The collective was initiated and driven by Slum and Shack Dwellers International and Huairou Commission and is supported by GRP, IIED, ICCCAD, and RCCC.

Photo credit: Tamara Menzi, Unsplash