World Water Week 2022 takes place from 23 August to 1 September. It’s the leading conference on global water issues. You can join sessions online and in-person in Stockholm, Sweden. GRP’s Programme Officer, Shuchi Vora, will be attending and is participating in the below events. If you are attending World Water Week and would like to get in touch with Shuchi please send her an email to connect.
Groundwater: bridging science and policy
Thursday, 25 August, 17:00 – 18:20 CEST
Online session
The complexity of groundwater science calls for innovative approaches in the way scientists and practitioners communicate their findings to policy-makers, as well as changes in the realm of policy that facilitate interaction with science. Groundwater literacy and dialogue will support well-informed science-based policy, thus enabling sustainable and resilient development.
This session aims to identify ways to facilitate communication, bridge the differing values, and ensure that the entire process involving research and well-informed and science-based decision-making is inclusive, human rights-based and gender sensitive, benefiting sustainable and equitable development.
Convened by Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, International Association of Hydrogeologists, International Water Management Institute, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Slovenia, UNESCO Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme, Water Cycle Innovation, Water Science Policy
Valuing women and youth in the water sector: Advancing careers
Sunday, 28 August, 11:00 – 12:30 CEST
On-site session
Recognising the need to incorporate more women and diversity within the sector, this session will explore the lived experiences, biases, challenges and opportunities that young professional face while entering or working in the sector.
Convened by drinkPani, Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology Sydney, International Water Association, Netherlands Water Partnership, Water Youth Network, World Bank Group
SIWI Seminar: Valuing Groundwater (2/3)
Innovative ground water management: From the ground to the sky
Wednesday, 31 August, 09:00 – 10:30 CEST
On-site session
“Cutting edge” innovations to improve the handling of often-complex aquifers and groundwater resources are required – but mean different things in different parts of the world. This session will present recent science and technology frontiers as well as explore and discuss what makes solutions innovative and practicable in context.
Convened by Asian Development Bank, International Water Management Institute, Stockholm International Water Institute, University of KwaZulu-Natal, World Bank Group
SIWI Seminar: Valuing Groundwater (3/3)
Evidence from communities, science and innovation
Wednesday, 31 August, 11:00 – 12:30 CEST
Online & On-site session
Ground water offers multiple services which make it an important source of water. Groundwater and aquifers’ values to society are underpinned by their relative abundance, purification of water, and storage. This session explores how valuing groundwater can bring multiple priorities to underscore the true importance of groundwater.
Convened by Asian Development Bank, International Water Management Institute, Stockholm International Water Institute, University of KwaZulu-Natal, World Bank Group
Nature-based Solutions for Sustainable Groundwater: Sharing benefits in resilient foodscapes
Wednesday, 31 August, 14:00 – 15:30 CEST
Online & On-site session
This session will advance new models of benefit sharing and identify opportunities to develop, finance and scale promising NbS. The panel will bring together researchers and practitioners involved in designing, implementing and evaluating NbS for groundwater in agriculture. The format will combine a high-level assessment of global status and trends with practical insights from implementation practice in key foodscape geographies.
Convened by Global Resilience Partnership, The Nature Conservancy, University of Oxford, University of Waterloo
Featured image of Stockholm, Sweden by Chris Caines on Unsplash.