Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Markets, Risk & Resilience (MRR Innovation Lab)

So every rural family can take control of their future

The Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Markets, Risk and Resilience (MRR) at UC Davis develops and tests financial and market innovations that take the most promising agricultural tools for families in developing economies from the lab to the field. The Lab’s mission is to generate and transfer knowledge and innovations that promote resilience and empower rural families, communities and markets to share in inclusive agricultural growth.

The MRR Innovation Lab focuses the most advanced tools in development economics and related fields on three core themes:

  • Resilient Escapes from Poverty: Bundled programs that can have a bigger and more lasting impact on persistent poverty than the sum of their parts.
  • Financial and Agronomic Innovations for Inclusive Growth and Resilience: Expanding the potential of insurance, stress-tolerant seeds and other tools to manage the risk of drought, flood or other disasters.
  • Resilient Systems for Broadly-based Agricultural Growth: Ensuring that markets and other social systems are competitive and do not bypass women and young people.

In addition to funding research and building the capacity of local institutions, the MRR Innovation Lab translates their work into accessible policy documents and sponsor outreach events that integrate our findings into a coherent and effective voice about priorities and options for governments, NGOs and others working to reduce poverty and increase prosperity worldwide.

Latest news and articles

Barrio 20: A community that reimagines the present to envision a sustainable future

Knowledge into Use awards winner Instituto Internacional de Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo – IIED América Latina showcases how the community of Barrio 20 in Buenos Aires are using innovative approaches to foster urban resilience and inclusive development.

Job opportunity: Finance Assistant

We're looking for a Finance Assistant. Apply by 28 February 2025.

A love letter to Mother Earth

Honouring Mother Earth’s gifts, protecting her beauty, and preserving nature for future generations.

Two job opportunities: MEL Manager and Innovation Officer

The application period for these positions is now closed.

End of year letter to our Partners and collaborators

Thank you for your support in 2024. We look forward to collaborating with you in 2025.