Theme: Energy


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R2Z Dialogues on Energy

Each day of the Dialogues is dedicated to a separate theme, including human settlements; industry; land use; oceans and coastal zones; transport; water; finance; energy; and resilience. IRENA is leading the Energy Dialogue, taking place on 16 November. The Energy Dialogue will include two sessions organised by IRENA, namely on the role of clean energy […]

R2Z: Gender-Responsive and Socially Equitable Resilience in Europe, Africa and the Middle East

Efforts to build resilience will not be effective, sustainable, and will fall short of their moral obligation unless they depart from current development pathways and deliberately address gender and social inequalities. To drive the transformation that is needed to build resilient economies, ecosystems and societies – while ensuring that no one is left behind – […]

NAZCA Global Climate Action portal

The Global Climate Action portal is an online platform where actors from around the globe - countries, regions, cities, companies, investors and other organizations - can display their commitments to act on climate change. Launched by UN Climate Change, Peru and France in 2014, the portal was born of the realization that addressing climate change will take ambitious, broad-based action from all segments of society, public and private. Crucially, it helped build momentum towards the adoption of the Paris Climate Agreement 2015.


ResilienceLinks is a global knowledge platform for resilience practitioners, USAID staff, implementing partners, and the broader resilience community. It provides resources on how best to help people, households, communities, countries, and systems mitigate, adapt to, and recover from shocks and stresses in a manner that reduces chronic vulnerability and facilitates inclusive growth.

CIF Knowledge Center

The CIF is a dynamic partnership of diverse stakeholders working together to empower climate-smart development. CIF's Evaluation and Learning initiative identifies strategic lessons across CIF's portfolio and enables learning that is timely, relevant and applicable to climate programs, projects and strategies. The CIF's Transformational Change Learning Partnership (TCLP) advances understanding of transformational change through global collaboration, facilitated learning, and analysis with a diverse set of organizations and individuals from around the world, including country governments, multilateral development banks, civil society organizations, donor countries, climate finance institutions, researchers, and experts.