
There is a need for a safe space to test and scale disruptive and bold ideas. GRP surfaces and tests resilience innovations and incubates new ideas by designing and running innovation challenges and supporting peer-to-peer learning on innovation.

Projects on the Ground

We identify, co-design, and invest in resilience innovations on the ground.

PREPARE Call to Action to the Private Sector

GRP together with USAID and with input from the Office of the U.S. Special Presidential Envoy are collaborating on the Call.

Mobilising Business Schools for Adaptation (MBA)

GRP in collaboration with UNDP is working with prominent business schools on knowledge exchange, the business case for resilience, and innovation.

A small fishing boat and fishermen fish using a net.

Ocean Risk & Resilience Action Alliance (ORRAA)

This multi-sector collaboration aims to pioneer ground-breaking financial innovations that build coastal resilience.


Ocean Resilience Innovation Challenge (ORIC)

The Ocean Risk and Resilience Action Alliance (ORRAA)‘s Ocean Resilience Innovation Challenge (ORIC) acts as an incubator by providing mentoring, leadership training and, for some, funding to help promising projects scale up.

Latest news on Innovation & Scaling

GRP announces new CEO: Jesper Hörnberg

Jesper Hörnberg has been selected as the new CEO of the Global Resilience Partnership, leading the partnership in its next phase. 

Reflecting on a decade of resilience: The journey and the road ahead

The GRP 2024-2029 Strategy focuses on food, finance, and communities, with a special emphasis on youth and women

The unseen pillars: How social capital empowers female smallholder farmers in Kenya

The Itanya Africa Group, one of the RAIN Challenge winners, through an intimate baseline study, explores the significant role social capital plays in the lives of female small-holder farmers in Kenya.

The rise of regenerative farming in Ikunu, Githunguri Sub-county

In this photo story, Benedict Isiaho of CAFAESUP, one of the RAIN Challenge winners, describes how the project is implementing regenerative agriculture to foster sustainable food systems within communities

Meet the RAIN Round 2 Shortlisted Candidates 

23 seed-level initiatives have been selected as part of RAIN Challenge Round 2 and over the next several months will work in collaboration with GRP to receive tailored mentoring and leadership training.