Country: Kenya
Lead organisation: Ecorich
Ecorich Solutions developed the WasteBot organic waste decomposer machine that uses artificial intelligence and takes 24 hours to convert harmful waste into affordable organic fertiliser that is 70% cheaper than normal fertilisers. Through AI-enabled recycling and robotics, Ecorich’s recycling technology releases required microorganisms into the waste which converts the waste into organic fertiliser with 95% accuracy. lt displays the fertiliser content and nutrients composition. The team has set up two organic waste collections centres in Nairobi’s informal urban settlements where community members can discard their organic waste, which will then be converted into organic fertiliser and sold to smallholder farmers. They will be able to recycle 200kgs of organic waste per centre per day, employ 180 women and 120 youth every month to collect and deliver organic waste to the collection centres. Currently, they have been able to reach 3,150 small scale farmers, and are aiming to reach 10,000 farmers in the next year through support and assistance from RAIN.