Adaptation Futures 2023

Adaptation Futures 2023

More than 1500 members of the climate change adaptation community from around the world will gather in Montreal to share their knowledge on the challenges and opportunities of adaptation. 180 Sessions, master classes and field visits will address themes such as migration, habitat, coasts, fisheries, agriculture, water, energy, finance, education, NBS, local and indigenous knowledge, equity and justice.

GRP will be engaged in the following sessions:

Connecting the dots across regional resilience priorities: What have learnt and done in 2023 so far and how are we gearing up to COP28? 
Date: Tuesday, 3 October
Time: 16:30 – 18:00 (GMT-4)
Room: 524A
Partners: Resilience Hub, Fundación Avina, SouthSouthNorth (SSN), Slum Dwellers International (SDI), the International Centre for Climate Change (ICCCAD) and Development

This session will present some of the emerging red threads from the Regional Hubs, but will also provide a space for cross-regional experiential learning. It will also re- tain space for High Level Champions and COP Presidency to respond to how they will carry these messages forward into COP28 and ensure that the drumbeat of implementation does not remain just that.

EbA in practice: Lessons from implementers on planning and measuring EbA
Date: Wednesday, 4 October
Time: 10:30 – 12:00 (GMT-4)
Room: 518C
Partners: UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC)

Through a series of short presentations, this knowledge exchange session aims to provide attendees with a comprehensive understanding of the Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) approach, particularly its effective planning and monitoring. The session will feature experiences at different scales and from various implementers, including Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IP & LCs), academia, government, civil society, and international organisations. Participants will learn about the criteria and standards for EbA, understand the importance of stakeholder engagement throughout the process, become familiar with different strategies and practical tools for planning and monitoring EbA initiatives, and gain more awareness of how to demonstrate EbA outcomes.

Adaptation empowerment. Raising ambition on adaptation innovation, amplifying voices from the ground, and economic empowerment
Date: Wednesday, 4 October
Time: 14:30 – 15:30 (GMT-4)
Partners: GRP, UNDP-ISGAP, ICCCAD, the Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN), DID, the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN), Technology Executive Committee (TEC)

The power of partnerships and collaboration in Resilience Evidence: Unleash the full potential of innovation
Date: Thursday, 5 October
Time: 14:30 – 15:30 (GMT-4)
Room: 520D
Partners:  GRP, Forum for the Future, the UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC), NIE, Adaptation Fund 

If you would like to meet GRP at Adaptation Futures, get in touch with Shuchi Vora and David González.

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