Programme of Events
The workshops will address topics of relevance for the region and each workshop will be co-led by Avina and partner organizations of great trajectory and will be held with the objectives of:
- Identify key messages to position Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)’s priorities at COP27 in relation to resilience and adaptation to climate change.
- Create a space for multi-stakeholder dialogue that will highlight the vision of Latin America and the Caribbean.
Although the region faces many threats due to climate change, 7 thematic workshops were defined to be the focus of the discussions. Fundación Avina’s co-leads are included in the topics below.
- Family Agriculture and Rurality: Helvetas and the Andes Resilient Project.
- Resilient Cities: Resilient Cities Network.
- Nature-based approaches as a tool for climate change adaptation: World Wildlife Fund (WWF).
- Access to Finance: GFLAC (Climate Finance Group for Latin America and the Caribbean)
- Contributions to the Global Stocktake: Independent Global Stocktake Initiative.
- Water Resources: Latin American Future Foundation (FFLA)
- Local Voices, the role of indigenous communities, youth, women and local communities: Voices for Climate Action Alliance.