Local Action Driving Transformative Change at the Nexus of Food, Climate and Conflict

This Resilience Hub event under the food and agriculture theme.

Food insecurity, climate change and violent conflict are trends currently on the rise, risking progress towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). There is a well known link and a vicious cycle between food insecurity and conflict, and it is exacerbated by climate change. Global efforts and solely top-down initiatives have been failing to address these triple challenges, and there are growing calls for increased local action. Thus, there is a need for better understanding the role of local initiatives and organizations in contributing to wider systemic change and how they can be combined, or enabled by, global efforts and stakeholders operating at different scales.

In this session we will have an honest dialogue among actors working from different perspectives on the capacities that are needed for fostering positive cross-scale interactions and relationships that enable local action for more sustainable and just food systems that are conflict and climate resilient.


Roselily Ushewokunze, Food Justice Network, Zimbabwe
Tsionawit Gebre-Yohannes, Program Manager, Near East Foundation (online)
Country director, Yemen World Bank
Patrick Cantin, Chief of Party, USAID Terre Eau Vie RISE II – Sahel
Keith Agoada, Producers Trust

Moderated by Cibele Queiroz, Researcher at GRP and the Stockholm Resilience Centre