Reimagining Natural Capital in a Changing Climate

The Leadership in Business Accelerator will highlight the importance of effective private sector leadership on water issues and provide practical advice and best practice examples on global awareness of water in the international, regional and local agendas.

Cross-cutting environmental trends are being embraced by the private sector to achieve the 2030 Agenda. Opening this session, Pascal Chapot, Group Head of Sustainable Agriculture Development at Nestlé will share his insight on Regenerative Agriculture and explore how the associated social and environmental benefits should be embraced globally, and how they did it. Following this speech will be an expert panel with Lis Mullin Bernhardt, Coordinator of the Global Adaptation Network at UNEP, Nathanial Matthews, Ph.D., CEO at the Global Resilience Partnership, Carla Muller-Zantop, Water Stewardship Engineer at Danone, Oliver Withers, Biodiversity Lead at Credit Suisse who will share their expertise and recommendations illustrating how Nature-Based Solutions can be leveraged to protect and restore biodiversity, mitigate climate change, and build resilience towards unforeseen water impacts.


Opening speech: Pascal Chapot, Group Head of Sustainable Agriculture Development at Nestlé

Panel discussion: How could the private sector reimagine natural capital in a changing climate by embracing cross-cutting environmental trends to achieve the 2030 agenda.

Moderator: Eric Paglia, Ph.D.


  1. Lis Mullin Bernhardt, Coordinator of the Global Adaptation Network at UNEP 
  2. Nathanial Matthews, Ph.D., CEO at the Global Resilience Partnership
  3. Carla Muller-Zantop, Water Stewardship Engineer at Danone
  4. Oliver Withers, Biodiversity Lead at Credit Suisse

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