Resilience Knowledge Coalition Learning Webinar: Race to Resilience Attributes

The Resilience Knowledge Coalition is excited to co-organize a second in a series of planned webinars with Race to Resilience (R2R).

Webinar Recording

The webinar will be interactive with break-out rooms and discussions on the R2R resilience attributes and their role in attaining the goal of making 4 billion people more resilient by 2030 with interested coalition members and R2R initiatives. This webinar is an effort towards knowledge brokering and translating the collective expertise of the coalition members into on-ground implementation by the R2R initiatives.

The objectives for the webinar are as follows:

  1. To socialize attributes among the initiatives
  2. Feedback from resilience experts on how they can be integrated with the current R2R measurement metrics framework
  3. To learn from the initiatives how they are working on building resilience and share knowledge and experiences on measuring resilience: challenges and opportunities.


Shuchi Vora
Introduction to the Race to Resilience (R2R) Metrics Framework and the inclusion of resilience attributes
Áine Ni Bhreasail
Definition of the seven resilience attributes retained in the Metrics Framework
Roxana Bórquez
The importance of the narrative on resilience building in the metrics submission
Paulina Aldunce

Break out rooms:

  • How are initiatives approaching resilience building in practice? Facilitators: Paulina Aldunce and Albert Norström
  • How to move from narrative to measurement of resilience attributes? – Facilitators: Roxana Bórquez and Áine Ni Bhreasail

Plenary and Closing
Shuchi Vora

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