Measuring what we value, or Valuing what we measure? Delving into the frontiers of resilience evidence and measurement

Session at the COP Resilience Hub

Over the last decade, resilience has continued to be elevated as an analytic, programmatic, and organizing concept in the climate and development discourse and practice. Approaches to measuring resilience have proliferated, giving rise to a nascent evidence base on the impact of resilience programming that explain why some households, communities, systems, and countries fare better in the face of shocks and stresses than others. The demand for resilience evidence has also grown exponentially as conflict, Covid-19, and the accelerating impacts of climate change have reversed development gains on a massive scale and pushed hundreds of millions of people into crisis levels of poverty and hunger.

As we’re seeing an increase in financial commitments to adaptation and resilience, it is key to review what works, what doesn’t, and how we can tell the difference between the two when it comes to building resilience. 

This session will dive deep into the frontiers of resilience measurement from the perspectives of specific audiences involved in resilience policy, practice and investments. It will build on the success of the Resilience Evidence Forum to advance collective learning and further discussions on resilience evidence and measurement, who are its key users and producers.


Dr. Nathanial Matthews, CEO, Global Resilience Partnership
Dr. Tulika Narayan, VP Mathematica (virtual)
Pradip Khatiwada, Youth Innovation Lab
M.Ismail Farjia, Coordinator, Africa Youth Climate Hub

Moderated by Shuchi Vora, Resilience Knowledge Coalition Lead, GRP

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