
Barrio 20: A community that reimagines the present to envision a sustainable future

Knowledge into Use awards winner Instituto Internacional de Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo – IIED América Latina showcases how the community of Barrio 20 in Buenos Aires are using innovative approaches to foster urban resilience and inclusive development.

Job opportunity: Finance Assistant

We're looking for a Finance Assistant. Apply by 28 February 2025.

A love letter to Mother Earth

Honouring Mother Earth’s gifts, protecting her beauty, and preserving nature for future generations.

Two job opportunities: MEL Manager and Innovation Officer

The application period for these positions is now closed.

RAIN phase III is now open

GRP, together with Shockwave Foundation and Munich Re Foundation, invite agricultural innovators in East Africa to apply for the Resilient Agriculture Innovations for Nature (RAIN) challenge. Applications close 31 January 2025.

Hindu Kush Himalaya Innovation Challenge for Entrepreneurs (HKH-ICE) is Now Open!

Ready to innovate? Global Resilience Partnership (GRP) and the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) have partnered to launch the Hindu Kush Himalaya Innovation Challenge for Entrepreneurs (HKH-ICE). Apply by 6 December 2024!

The untapped potential of urban resilience innovations

New report, From Informality to Impact: The Untapped Potential of Scaling Urban Resilience Innovation in Informality, is out now!

Resilient Planet Initiative: Delivering solutions to build resilience to climate change

Join us during Climate Week NYC to discover more about RPI and explore collaboration opportunities for delivering essential climate resilience solutions

Southern African Resilience Academy: Call for transdisciplinary working groups (2025-2027)

The Southern African Resilience Academy (SARA) invites proposals for collaborative working groups to pursue inter- or transdisciplinary research and engagement that synthesize understanding under the guiding theme of “Transformative pathways to Resilient and Sustainable Futures”.

Flood risk communication through art in Nepal

Youth Innovation Lab, a 2023 Knowledge into Use award winner, presents a documentary that showcases how they partnered with the local municipality to map flood risks and turn these learnings into accessible knowledge for the wider community.