One Architecture & Urbanism (ONE)

A design and planning firm specializing in climate adaptation and waterfront infrastructure planning.

One Architecture & Urbanism (ONE) is an award-winning design and planning firm with offices in Amsterdam and New York. Established in 1995, the firm is known for its unique approach in which financial, technical, and organizational issues are addressed and resolved through design.

ONE is a global leader in large-scale climate adaptation and waterfront infrastructure planning. Under the leadership of founding principal Matthijs Bouw, ONE has been instrumental in the development of complex, multi-actor planning processes in the US, Europe, Latin America, and Southeast Asia. In their studios, designers work with engineers, policymakers, and communities to shape joint narratives, develop strategies, and implement projects.

ONE lead the a mangrove replanting project in the Water Window Challenge. Learn more about the project here.

Latest news and articles

End of year letter to our Partners and collaborators

Thank you for your support in 2024. We look forward to collaborating with you in 2025.

RAIN phase III is now open

GRP, together with Shockwave Foundation and Munich Re Foundation, invite agricultural innovators in East Africa to apply for the Resilient Agriculture Innovations for Nature (RAIN) challenge. Applications close 31 January 2025.

Breaking barriers to development: Lessons from the Resilience for Peace and Stability, Food and Water Security Innovation Program

A new report sheds light on lessons learned, barriers faced, and successes achieved in Uganda and Sudan, offering valuable insights for development practitioners, policymakers, and partners.

11 Initiatives leading the way in sustainable and nature-positive agriculture

Together with Munich Re Foundation and Shockwave Foundation, we are excited to introduce the eleven winning projects from the second round of the Resilient Agriculture Innovations for Nature (RAIN) Challenge.

GRP at COP29

Connect with the GRP team at COP29