Building Climate Resilience and Adaptation in LDCs and SIDS
The side event was organized by the IFRC on the margin of the HLPF 2019 high-level political forum on sustainable development, and was co-sponsored by Ireland, Egypt, the UK, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Malawi, Trinidad and Tobago, St Lucia, Turkey, among others.
It gathered all major stakeholders who are involved in negotiations related to climate resilience and adaptation in LDCs and SIDS, leading to the Climate Summit next September 2019 in New York. Its attendance was full, and included, in addition to participants, other delegations from Canada, Europe (EU Delegation, Germany, Africa (Equatorial Guinea), SIDS (Maldives, St Kitts & Nevis) and Asia (New Zealand, Japan), UN bodies (UNISDR, UN Habitat, UN Rep in East Timor, UN OHRLLS, FAO, WMO, WFP, and UNV), as well as NGOs and Civil Society.