COP 28 Resilience Hub Synthesis Report

The Resilience Hub is an inclusive virtual and physical space designed to mobilise greater levels of action and ambition on resilience and adaptation at the annual UN Climate Change Conference (COP) – and beyond. The Hub brings together a global community with diverse perspectives and experiences to share knowledge, co-create solutions and catalyse action. The Hub aims to place locally-informed, equitable resilience solutions for people and nature at the heart of the COP process. Each year, thousands of people from around the world attend or participate in the Resilience Hub, both virtually and in-person. Since launching at COP26, the Resilience Hub has connected thousands of people across COPs to share knowledge, build partnerships and build a growing community toward delivering climate resilience.
This report synthesises the key findings and recommendations for action from the COP28 Resilience Hub and aims to help set the direction for future action towards COP29 and beyond. The report first provides an overview of the key adaptation and resilience decisions and announcements that took place during COP28; it then presents the key messages and findings from the events of the Resilience Hub and offers concluding remarks and a guidepost for the year ahead.
Four cross-cutting messages emerged from sessions hosted at the COP28 Resilience Hub:
- There is an increase in innovative approaches in finance for resilience; however, scaling approaches requires reforms of the wider climate finance architecture.
- Equity and justice must be at the heart of any successful partnerships for resilience.
- The intersection of health, climate, and resilience highlight the need for preparedness, gender-specific and socio-cultural considerations.
- Increases in conflict and violence present significant challenges for adaptation and resilience and pose the risk of reversing significant development gains.
In addition to summarising the key overarching messages, the synthesis report presents findings and insights from the Regional Hubs that took place in the run up to COP28 as well as from nine themes explored in the Resilience Hub during COP28.