
Updates from the GRP Secretariat

The GRP secretariat is transitioning to the Stockholm Resilience Centre and looking for a new CEO.

In September 2017 the GRP Partnership Council decided to move the GRP Secretariat from KPMG to be hosted by the Stockholm Resilience Centre (SRC). KPMG was the host for GRP since its inception in 2014 during its start-up phase. The Secretariat has welcomed SRC as the new host and thanks KPMG for the great hosting over the past three years.

SRC is a joint initiative between Stockholm University and the Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics at the Royal Swedish Academy Sciences. It is a world-renowned center for resilience and sustainability science. KPMG will remain as the existing challenge manager of GRP until further notice.

During the transition phase of the GRP secretariat to SRC, several changes and updates will occur. The website is currently under construction and in a couple of weeks, a new website will be up and running. Once this is finalised, news items and events will be continually updated.

The GRP secretariat is also expanding and looking for a new Chief Executive Officer (CEO). The successful candidate for this role will be responsible for coordinating and establishing intellectual bridges and collaboration among our partner organisations in developing as well as developed countries, including relevant academic, policy, and practice organisations in both the public and private sphere. To learn more about the position and apply click here.

In the near future several other positions will be announced. If you are interested in joining the GRP team, continue to watch this space.