Voices from the Frontline

Grassroots communities, activists and entrepreneurs share their resilience stories.

Voices from the Frontline on Loss and Damage

These stories show the losses and damages local communities face, their needs, their resilience, and their efforts to these losses and damages.

Voices from the Frontline on Locally-led Adaptation

These stories document effective LLA and learning from community responses to build resilience for those most vulnerable to shocks and stresses.

Voices from the Frontline on the COVID-19 Crisis

These stories document and share learning from community practices to foster more effective responses to future crises and build greater resilience.

Voices from the Frontline (VFL) is a joint initiative by ICCCAD, CDKN, and GRP to support grassroots communities in sharing their stories. The stories are also available on ICCCAD’s Voices from the Frontline page, CDKN’s website, and on the Resilience Platform.