Catalytic Grant Blog

Catalytic Grants programme at the COP27 Resilience Hub

We are excited to announce that the next round of catalytic grants will be launched at the COP27 Resilience Hub. This round is targeted at teams formed at the Regional Resilience Hubs.

Written by: Emma Ludvigsson
GRP Areas of work: Innovation Knowledge Policy

Call for applications!

The application window for the next round of catalytic grants will be launched at the Resilience Hub at COP27 and is targeted at teams formed at the Regional Resilience Hubs. Four teams will be awarded with a $5,000 USD grant each to implement an idea fostered at the Regional Resilience Hubs and the COP27 Resilience Hub.

The Catalytic Grants Programme is a joint initiative by the Global Resilience Partnership (GRP), the Climate Justice Resilience Fund (CJRF) and the International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD). The awards aim to provide initial seed funding to incentivize partnerships and collaborations beyond event to implement ideas developed during the event space.

The first round of catalytic grants was launched at the Gobeshona Conference in January 2021. Since then, 13 teams have received grants for implementing their ideas. Grants were awarded at CBA15 in 2021 and at the Gobeshona Global Conference in 2022. Previous winners have shared stories and articles about their work in the Climate Tribune, on GRP’s website, and with the Voices from the Frontline initiative.

Award objectives

  • Increased incentive and opportunities for cross-disciplinary capacity development and ideation;
  • Strengthened global community of practice on locally-led adaptation and resilience;
  • Strengthened southern leadership in the community of practice;
  • Strengthened south-south and south-north knowledge exchange and collaboration; and actions on adaptation and resilience.

Application process

The application window opened on 6 November and closes on 27 November. One catalytic grant is available for each Regional Resilience Hub.

Apply for a Catalytic Grant by filling out this Google form before 27 November 2022.

Please read and respond to all questions and ensure that you are aware of the eligibility and assessment criteria in the guidance concept note. For clarification about the process, please contact Adiba Bintey Kamal: 


  1. The groups need to submit a completed application form before 27 November 2022
  2. Pre-screening: Ineligible applicants will be notified by email by 11 December 2022
  3. The winning teams will be announced by 18 December 2022

Eligibility Criteria

  1. Team composition should preferably be a mix of academics, practitioners, community-based organisations and/or grassroots federation representatives;
  2. Each team should have 3 members;
  3. Teams should be balanced in representation and include members from traditionally under-represented groups (i.e. youth, women, indigenous groups, people with disabilities);
  4. Team members should have proven experience in working with community-based adaptation;
  5. All countries eligible for Official Development Assistance (ODA) as defined by the OECD-DAC, except India due to logistical challenges
  6. The ideas being developed should follow the principle of “do no harm” (i.e. has no negative impacts on communities or ecosystems it is designed to build resilience in); and
  7. Recipients of previous catalytic grants are not eligible.

All ineligible applications will be rejected during pre-screening and notified by email.


Get in touch with Ms Adiba Bintey Kamal by sending an email to

The winners will have access to the best of resilience knowledge, tools and approaches through the coalition and their ideas can be amplified through the Resilience Platform and will be members of an alumni network with access to learning opportunities from the Resilience Knowledge Coalition. All participants are invited to sign up for the Resilience Knowledge Coalition here for more updates.

The grant winners will also get access to join the Gobeshona Global Conference platform and have the opportunity to write blogs as well articles for the Climate Tribune.