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Your search for "CATALYTIC grants" gave 28 result(s).

The climate grant equation 

Adiba Bintey Kamal and Rubina Adhikari from the International Center of Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD) highlight the benefits of grants over loans and share insights from the Catalytic Grants programme.

Previous projects

Job Opportunity: Policy Officer at The Global Resilience Partnership (Remote)

GRP is hiring a Policy Officer who will work as part of the GRP Secretariat.

CBA16: How do we ‘track progress’ of Locally-led Adaptation in practice?

During this session, we share how we can document evidence for LLA through the Resilience Platform and celebrate evidence from Catalytic Grant winners and ISGAP grantees.

Tanzania: Horticulture farming in the midst of climate change impacts

In the Singida region in Tanzania, we meet Amani Saidi Mwangu, an onion and tomato farmer who defies climate change to secure his livelihood. This is the second of the ‘Voices from the Frontline (Phase-II)‘ stories by ICCCAD and GRP.

Advancing Resilience Knowledge: A Success Story in Coalition

A success story made possible through a joint effort between resilience practitioners, policy makers and researchers in the Global South, as written by independent Evaluator Sarah Robens.

Is Building Climate Resilience Feasible in a Refugee Settlement?

The authors received a Catalytic Grant Award at the Gobeshona Global Conference in 2021 to support climate-smart agriculture and clean cooking practices in a refugee settlement.

Waste is Wealth: The Untold Story of Esther Mirembe

The authors received a Catalytic Grant award at the Gobeshona Global Conference in 2021 to support collective learning to build resilience in informal settlements. Below they tell the story of Esther Mirembe.

Meet GRP at the Gobeshona Global Conference

The Gobeshona Global Conference brings together policy-makers, researchers, and practitioners from around the world to share their knowledge and experiences on climate change issues with a focus on Locally-led Adaptation (LLA).The conference will take place from 27 March – 1 April 2022.

An Open Letter to Our Partners

It has been another significant year for resilience building thanks to all the hard work from our Partners