The Partnership will be participating in the following sessions. We hope to see you there!
1. Financing Locally-led Adaptation: Action on the ground and in-person
29 March 06:30 – 08:00 GMT
This session directly addresses the conference theme and is designed as a two-part interactive conversation.
- A panel discussion focusing on locally-led action featuring 4 project leaders sharing their perspectives from the field.
- A moderated Q&A session between project leaders and participants.
This session is co-led by UNDP and GRP.
2. Bridging Evidence and Practice by Advancing Resilience Measurements
29 March 15:00 – 16:30 GMT
Resilience Measurements are an important part of resilience programming. With an increase in discussions around Locally-led Adaptation (LLA) principles and initiatives, there is an emerging need to discuss and evaluate key measurement approaches.
Facilitated by the Resilience Knowledge Coalition, this session will highlight and evaluate key resilience measurement approaches with an aim to bridge gaps and build capacities for locally-led adaptation.
3. Networking and Lesson Sharing by Catalytic Grant Award Winners
1 April 07:00 – 09:00 GMT
Launched in 2021, the catalytic grants are a collaboration between ICCCAD, CJRF, and GRP that supports the implementation of ideas and relationships developed at the Gobeshona and Community Based Adaptation conferences.
This session will showcase stories from the inaugural catalytic grant winners. The teams will share results and lessons learned during the implementation of their projects and network with conference participants interested in applying for catalytic grants.
This session is co-led by GRP and ICCCAD.
Join Gobeshona on the Whova Event Platform
The Gobeshona Global Conference: Exploring Locally–Led Adaptation & Resilience for COP27 is being hosted on the Whova Event Platform. To join the above sessions, please register on Whova via this link: