
Advancing Resilience Knowledge: A Success Story in Coalition

A success story made possible through a joint effort between resilience practitioners, policy makers and researchers in the Global South, as written by independent Evaluator Sarah Robens.

GRP Areas of work: Knowledge Policy

The Resilience Knowledge Coalition is a “network of networks” that helps put the best knowledge and practice on resilience into use to shape policies, plans, & investments.

The Coalition was created out of the Research, Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Community of Practice (RMEL CoP), at Gobeshona in January 2021 and has since grown from numerous consultations about knowledge brokering with GRP partners (including civil society, business, government, donors, and academia) into a 450+ member strong community.

The Resilience Knowledge Coalition is hosted by the Global Resilience Partnership (GRP) and is co-led by the Climate Development Knowledge Network (CDKN) and the International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD).

Today the coalition carries out three functions: Collaborate, Connect and Apply.


Inorder to build on the successes of the RMEL CoP and catalyse resilience knowledge into action, the Coalition has created the Resilience Platform, an online inventory of resilience expertise. This platform curates proven resilience knowledge, case studies and evidence to assist in the design, implementation and evaluation of resilience components in development plans, policies and investments.


To ensure Global South expertise takes centre stage in resilience programming and measurement, the Coalition oversees several initiatives with a focus on Global South professionals, including the Global South Talent Pool, Catalytic Grants, and the Global South Expert Pool.

The Global South Talent Pool has seen the recruitment of interns from the majority world to work on a range of GRP and partner project activities.

Catalytic Grants have been granted to attendees of the Gobeshona and Community Based Adaptation Conferences in order to create opportunities for post-event interaction and collaboration between trans-disciplinary teams of academics and non-academics from the Global South.


As a Race to Resilience Transformation Partner, and a knowledge broker, the coalition provided support to the Resilience Hub at COP 26, allowing for wider Southern engagement in the process.

The coalition has also conducted a series of learning webinars on measurement to facilitate learning, synthesis and amplification of resilience MEL knowledge.

To learn more about the Resilience Knowledge Coalition, please check out the Coalition’s webpage.

To join the Coalition’s mailing list, please sign up here.