Lutheran World Relief (LWR)

Envisions a future where all people, in every corner of the world can live full, dignified lives

Founded by Lutherans in the United States at the end of World War II, grounded in Lutheran theology and building on decades of experience, Lutheran World Relief tackles global poverty by helping people adapt to the challenges that threaten their livelihoods and well-being.

LWR works work with people based on need, regardless of race, religion or nationality and we do not evangelize.

LWR provides aid in emergencies and help families restore their lives. They partner with communities to build and grow rural economies. They break the cycle of poverty, so families and communities can thrive.

LWR’s goal is to help people build self‐sufficiency and create new community‐owned approaches to problem‐solving that will last long after our projects end.

LWR led the Nepal-India Trans-boundary Resilience project under the Water Window Challenge.

Latest news and articles

Barrio 20: A community that reimagines the present to envision a sustainable future

Knowledge into Use awards winner Instituto Internacional de Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo – IIED América Latina showcases how the community of Barrio 20 in Buenos Aires are using innovative approaches to foster urban resilience and inclusive development.

Job opportunity: Finance Assistant

We're looking for a Finance Assistant. Apply by 28 February 2025.

A love letter to Mother Earth

Honouring Mother Earth’s gifts, protecting her beauty, and preserving nature for future generations.

Two job opportunities: MEL Manager and Innovation Officer

The application period for these positions is now closed.

End of year letter to our Partners and collaborators

Thank you for your support in 2024. We look forward to collaborating with you in 2025.