
Crowd voting for the Catalytic Grants programme is now open

Cast your vote and rate the proposals that you think provide the strongest intervention and relevance for locally-led adaptation and resilience by 23 May 2022.

GRP Areas of work: Innovation Policy Theme: Climate change

The Catalytic Grant Awards are a joint effort by Global Resilience Partnership (GRP), Climate Justice Resilience Fund (CJRF) and implemented by International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD). These awards aim to provide initial seed funding to incentivise partnerships and collaborations beyond events to develop ideas fostered during conferences.

At the Second Gobeshona Global Conference in March 2022, we announced a new round of Catalytic Grants.  This year, five winning teams will receive 5000 USD (each) to implement their ideas on ideas about enhancing locally-led climate change adaptation and resilience.

From the open call for applications, we received a large number of proposals from around the world. From these, we have shortlisted the 14 top proposals. And now we need your help to choose the winning teams!

This year, we have introduced an online voting system to choose the best proposal. Based on your votes and our internal judges votes from ICCCAD and GRP, we will award five winning teams with a Catalytic Grant.

Below, you can vote and rate the proposals that you think provide the strongest intervention and relevance for locally-led adaptation and resilience. Crowd voting closes on 23 May 2022.

Here are the shortlisted proposals:

1. Mountains of youth will focus on the capacity building and engagement of youth through climate change education, exchange of cross-cultural adaptation practices, and indigenous knowledge and amplify youth voices on the international forums.

2. EcoNetwork will increase the capacity of WASH facilities in coastal/climate vulnerable areas by developing a toolkit with information on sanitation, water purification, hygiene maintenance, and disaster risk reduction.

3. Youth-led Eco-stewards will enhance capacity amongst the youths by equipping them with GIS skills that will be used in carrying out youth-led climate and disaster risk data collection.

4. Maladaptation will provide local communities with insights into maladaptation, its consequences, and possible ways of interventions to reduce risks from maladaptation through capacity building on auditing and measuring adaptation effectiveness.

5. Geobuddies4wetlands aims to support wetland conservation and restoration in urban areas by creating a comprehensive humanitarian database using geospatial technologies.

6. Earki Youth Forum will use social media to disseminate content related to LLA, targeted at Bangladeshi youths.

7. 1955 Ehlaza: local climate justice will develop the entrepreneurial skills of local youth to produce marketable products from local plastic waste.

8. URBAN TransFARMation Project intends to use the grant as a start-up fund to implement the community’s adaptive strategies against environmental hazards and land/housing tenure insecurity in Davao, Philippines.

9. Korabam aims to implement a sustainable Mro community development in remote hilly areas of Alikadam in Bandarban district, Bangladesh through improved farming methods including mixed fruit plantation.

10. Community change makers Zimbabwe will develop a database to close the gap that exists in the provision of climate information among local smallholder farmers.

11. STEM For Green will add climate education into the STEM curriculum, through an app that will allow young students to play climate change-based games, get rewarding points through gamified learning paths, and learn STEM projects to solve climate-based problems.

12. LYLA (Local Youth-Led Adaptation) aims to enhance the Hoar community’s resilience through creating and sharing knowledge products for Local Youth-Led Adaptation initiatives.

13. iPAGE Bangladesh Limited wants to develop a highly accurate pest and infestation alert system to reduce production loss and improve yield in onion cultivation.

14. Team Resilient wants to research the adaptation practices of underprivileged and landless communities in the coastal areas of Bangladesh. The team wants to understand which practices work best in disaster scenarios and disseminate this information among stakeholders at all levels.

Click here to vote.