GRP is involved in and/or organising the following sessions at the 2018 World Water. Please come and participate and say hello! We look forward to seeing you there!
Monday – 27 August – 14:00 – 15:30 – Room: NL357
Water, biodiversity and development: A magic formula for the SDGs
Convenors: ADB, AFD, DFID, GEF, GRP, IUCN, KfW Development Bank, Sida, SDC and UNEP
The breadth of the sustainable development goals demands that collaboration for water, ecosystems and development objectives improves radically. Ensuring this happens will require a paradigm shift in how IWRM performs. Can conservation be better articulated – by the water and biodiversity communities-of-practice alike – as a key development issue
Tuesday 28 August – 14:00 – 15:30 – Room: FH202
ASIA FOCUS | Natural alternatives to water storage
Convenors: ADB, APWF, IWC and IWMI
This session will demonstrate the importance of sensitive approaches to the preservation and careful use of natural water storage options for the common good. Case studies will demonstrate practical innovative approaches that enhance water security in a variety of geographies and countries across Asia.
Wednesday 29 August – 14:00 – 15:30 – Room: NL253
Global resilience partnership: Building a sustainable flood resilient future
Convenors: GRP and IUCN
A sustainable flood resilient future in a world of uncertainty requires approaches that work with ecosystems. Delivered by practitioners, this event will showcase flood resilient innovations from the field as part of the global resilience partnership water window grants (funded by Zurich Foundation).
14:00 Introduction: The Zurich Foundation and the Global Resilience Partnership’s commitment to a sustainable flood resilience future – David Nash, the Zurich Foundation
14:15 The role of nature based solutions in building flood resilience – Dr James Dalton, IUCN
14:30 Three PechaKucha presentations from GRP Grant Project Leaders from the field:
- Trans-boundary flood risk mitigation through governance and innovative information technology – Nyoman Prayoga, Mercy Corps
- The impacts of flooding on wellbeing and the role of ecosystem based adaptation in Vietnam – Dr Philip Bubeck, Universität Potsdam
- Building the resilience of vulnerable coastal communities against floods in Sri Lanka – Karen Peterson, Seacology
15:00 Audience led group discussion on two biggest opportunities and challenges of scaling ecosystem based approaches to flood resilience
15:20 Report back highlights in plenary – Dr Nathanial Matthews, GRP
Thursday 30 August – 12:00 – 12:45 – Room: FH Cabaret
Launch of Stockholm Climate Security Hub
Convenors: Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI), and Stockholm Resilience Centre (SRC)
This showcase has a twofold purpose of a) launching a Stockholm based cross-institutional knowledge hub that will be able to support risk assessment and risk management strategies for managing climate-related security risks, b) discussing the recent development in the UN to strengthen its capacity to address climate security.