Why regional dialogues on adaptation and resilience?
It is a political, social and economic imperative to advance actions on adaptation and resilience. A mitigation-only strategy on climate action will not be effective to address the impacts of climate change nor deliver a 1.5 degree world.
The COVID-19 pandemic has further exposed the fragility and complexity of global systems (e.g., health, economy, etc.). Solutions to recover from this pandemic and to the overall road toward SDGs lay in system-wide approaches that build resilience within and across sectors. This requires building bridges between different types of stakeholders at all levels to ensure exchange of best practices and lessons learnt; promote collaborative approaches and highlight the business case for action; unlock financial flows; and sustain overall momentum on adaptation and resilience actions.
Vulnerable populations must have a voice and role in shaping the recovery in every key sector and system. The response must address underlying inequities in society and give agency to local actors on the frontlines of climate change, including marginalized communities, indigenous peoples, women and girls, and youth. The Regional Dialogues will surface and highlight the regional needs, priorities and existing solutions, and focus on bringing the vulnerable groups to the forefront of these discussions.
Overall Objectives
The purpose of these regional dialogues is for the High Level Climate Champions (HLCs) to virtually meet with non-party stakeholders (NPS) working on resilience and adaptation in six regions: (1) Southeast Asia; (2) South Asia; (3) Africa; (4) the Pacific; (5) Latin America; (6) and the Caribbean. The dialogues will share the same three overarching objectives as detailed below, but each dialogue will focus on its own set of regional, context-specific elements:
1. To set out the actions NPS are taking to build a resilient future in their regions. This will include representatives from communities on the front line to the impacts of climate change.
2. To identify what more can be done to increase ambition on resilience and adaptation actions; and
3. To explore how the HLCs, Champions Team and Marrakech Partnership on Global Climate Action (MPGCA) can advance these ambitious actions through a potential Race for Resilience to COP26.
These will be set in the context of COVID and the focus this has given in building resilience to risk.
This dialogue is part of a wider series of dialogues being convened by the Global Resilience Partnership together with Climate Resilience Network of the UNFCCC Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action (MPGCA) with the support of the Chile and UK High Level Champions (HLCs), Gonzalo Muñoz and Nigel Topping.
Each dialogue is being co-developed by a set of regionally-based organisations. Further details are available above on the respective page for each dialogue.
The dialogues will be held virtually on Zoom over 2 hours either in English, French or Spanish depending upon the region. They will be recorded and made available publically for replay. The dialogues will be open (by registration) to all those with an interest in adaptation and resilience in the region so that they can participate in the dialogue and offer comments digitally.
These regional dialogues will be used to inform the November Dialogues.
Regional Resilience Dialogues
*** Information on each dialogue is being updated in real time – please check back on respective pages for final agenda, registration link and all other information related to the dialogue ***