Theme: Monitoring & Evaluation

Using monitoring and evaluation to build equity and resilience

Learn how the Southern African Resilience Academy’s Monitoring and Evaluation Working Group worked with a range of participants to distill themes and insight on building equitable resilience.

Monitoring of Adaptation and Resilience Building Actions

Background In the face of escalating evidence of climate change and its profound consequences, there is an urgent need for effective action to foster adaptation and resilience. While commitments to resilience are crucial, they must be complemented by robust methodologies for monitoring, progress assessment, and outcome evaluation. Improved methodologies are essential to illuminate the impact […]

Advancing the conversation around building a resilient future

Resilience — or the ability of people, households, communities, countries and systems to manage adversity and change without compromising future well-being — is becoming more relevant and better known outside of food security circles as the world struggles to cope with increased and overlapping global shocks.

Gobeshona Webinar on Resilience Evidence (Asia, Africa & Europe friendly timezone)

What works, what doesn’t, and for whom? Key insights from the Resilience Evidence Forum 2023

Resilience Links webinar on Resilience Evidence (Americas – friendly timezone)

What works, what doesn’t, and for whom? Key insights from the Resilience Evidence Forum 2023.

Resilience Evidence Forum 2023 Synthesis Report

The report captures the key messages that emerged from the Forum, based on the latest evidence and methodological advancements across different scales of analysis, as well as different cross-cutting themes.

Scaling global resilience: New report highlights increasing momentum for evidence-backed solutions 

The Resilience Evidence Forum (REF) 2023 Synthesis Report presents the findings and insights from the Resilience Evidence Forum.

USAID’s Resilience Policy is open for review

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is pleased to share their new draft of the USAID Resilience Policy for review and comments.

Global South Expert Pool: Open Opportunities

GRP is looking to commission one or two experts from the majority world as consultants to conduct mapping exercises on resilience measurements.

Learning to Navigate Resilience: Building on Advances in Resilience Measurement

As the Resilience Measurement Community of Practice (RMEL CoP) transitions into the Resilience Knowledge Coalition, we offer three key contributions of resilience measurement in the past decade, and three challenges to advance resilience practice in the decade to come.