Building equitable and resilient urban food systems in southern Africa

The ‘Building Equitable and Resilient Urban Food Systems in Southern Africa’ working group addressed the complex challenges within urban food systems in the region. Characterized by a hybrid mix of formal and informal food retailers, urban agriculture, and food sharing, these systems are diverse but often fail to ensure food security for low- to middle-income urban households. Economic pressures from the COVID-19 pandemic, food price shocks linked to disruptions in food supply chains, and the impacts of climate variability contribute to high rates of food insecurity. To mitigate these pressures on the urban food system, the working group adopted an urban food systems approach that extended beyond agricultural production, embracing the diversity of urban food environments. By assessing the resilience and equity of urban food systems in Zambia and Southern Africa, the group aimed to identify strategic urban planning opportunities that promoted resilience and equitable access to food for households in the region.

Working Group Members

  • Allan Chilenga, Ministry of Agriculture (Zambia), Zambia Agriculture Research Institute
  • Dorcas Kabuya, Ministry of Agriculture (Zambia), National Agricultural Information Services (NAIS)
  • Julia Davies, Arizona Institute for Resilience, University of Arizona
  • Corrie Hannah, Arizona Institute for Resilience, University of Arizona
  • Jordan Blekking, Department of Global Development, Cornell University
  • Jane Battersby, Environmental and Geographical Science Department, University of Cape Town
  • Percy Toriro, University of Zimbabwe

Working group outputs

Meet Mutinta as she navigates Choma’s urban food system


Creating more resilient and equitable urban food systems in Southern Africa

Policy toolkit

Creating more resilient and equitable urban food systems in Southern Africa

Toolkit poster

Creating more resilient and equitable urban food systems in Southern Africa

Policy note

Creating more resilient and equitable urban food systems in Southern Africa

Knowledge Exchange poster (large)

Creating more resilient and equitable urban food systems in Southern Africa

Knowledge Exchange poster (A3)

Bridging the gap: Strengthening urban food system in Zambia through resilience initiatives

Delve into an array of outputs from a cartoons to policy notes that aim to address the complex challenges within urban food systems in the region.