Building Equitable Resilience in Southern Africa

Since early 2022, SARA has supported eight working groups comprising a diverse range of experts, from early-career professionals to established practitioners. These groups have synthesised regional knowledge under the theme of “Building equitable resilience in southern Africa.” Each working group focused on different topics and systems, such as informality, telecoupling, urban food systems, and conservation systems.

Over a two-year period, these groups convened three times for workshops in Stellenbosch, South Africa. Their primary task was to develop scientific papers for a special issue in an academic journal. Additionally, the groups received support to create knowledge products and engagement processes tailored for non-academic audiences and decision-makers, expanding the reach and impact of SARA outcomes.

Click on the icons below to learn more about the working groups and explore their non-academic products and outputs.

Working groups

Urban food systems

Monitoring and evaluation

Urban informality

Food systems seeds


Conservation systems

Disaster risk

Gender transformative approaches

SARA Outcome Report: 2021- 2023

This outcome report summarises the key focus areas and impacts of SARA between 2021 and 2023. Read the 2021 – 2023 Outcome Report here.

Blogs from the working groups

Highlights from the Southern African Resilience Academy’s Knowledge Exchange

Julian van Velden recaps the SARA Knowledge Exchange. Don't miss the chance to be involved in the next iteration. Details will be announced soon!

Exploring equitable resilience in Southern Africa: Insights from Group Concept Mapping

The Disaster Risk working group, one of the Southern African Resilience Academy's working groups, unpacks Group Concept Mapping (GCM), its importance, challenges, and application in the Southern African context

Embracing informality: A crucial element in crafting equitable urban resilience

Learn how the Southern African Resilience Academy’s Informality and Equitable Urban Resilience Working Group synthesised research and practice to examine how informality influences urban resilience.

Using monitoring and evaluation to build equity and resilience

Learn how the Southern African Resilience Academy’s Monitoring and Evaluation Working Group worked with a range of participants to distill themes and insight on building equitable resilience.

Bridging the gap: Strengthening urban food system in Zambia through resilience initiatives

Delve into an array of outputs from a cartoons to policy notes that aim to address the complex challenges within urban food systems in the region.