Southern African Resilience Academy

IFAD/Edward Echwalu

The Southern African Resilience Academy (SARA), based at the Centre for Sustainability Transitions (CST) at Stellenbosch University in South Africa.

SARA’s role is to act as a convening and support space for inter- and transdisciplinary researchers and practitioners working across southern Africa to engage around pressing resilience and development challenges in the region. The academy’s goals are to strengthen existing expert networks, expand collaboration, and facilitate the co-production of policy and practice-relevant knowledge. Furthermore, SARA aims to contribute directly and meaningfully to regional and global policy discussions around resilience and development, and elevate the southern African voice in international fora.

Read the 2021 – 2023 Outcome Report here.

SARA I: Food Systems Transformations

In 2021, SARA focused on Food System Transformations in southern Africa.

SARA II: Building Equitable Resilience in Southern Africa

From 2022 – 2023, SARA supported eight working groups to synthesise knowledge on building equitable resilience.

SARA III: Transformative Pathways to Resilient and Sustainable Futures

From 2025-2027, SARA will support eight working groups to synthesise knowledge under the theme of transformative pathways.

News from SARA

Southern African Resilience Academy: Call for transdisciplinary working groups (2025-2027)

The Southern African Resilience Academy (SARA) invites proposals for collaborative working groups to pursue inter- or transdisciplinary research and engagement that synthesize understanding under the guiding theme of “Transformative pathways to Resilient and Sustainable Futures”.

Highlights from the Southern African Resilience Academy’s Knowledge Exchange

Julian van Velden recaps the SARA Knowledge Exchange. Don't miss the chance to be involved in the next iteration. Details will be announced soon!

Exploring equitable resilience in Southern Africa: Insights from Group Concept Mapping

The Disaster Risk working group, one of the Southern African Resilience Academy's working groups, unpacks Group Concept Mapping (GCM), its importance, challenges, and application in the Southern African context

Embracing informality: A crucial element in crafting equitable urban resilience

Learn how the Southern African Resilience Academy’s Informality and Equitable Urban Resilience Working Group synthesised research and practice to examine how informality influences urban resilience.

Using monitoring and evaluation to build equity and resilience

Learn how the Southern African Resilience Academy’s Monitoring and Evaluation Working Group worked with a range of participants to distill themes and insight on building equitable resilience.