Harnessing the power of monitoring and evaluation for equitable resilience

The working group on ‘Harnessing the Power of Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) for Equitable Resilience’ recognized that often project design and M&E within development work are primarily driven by funder requirements. This limits the involvement and capacity of project beneficiaries, hindering their say in implementation and evaluation. The conventional approach to M&E, as currently practised, falls short in contributing to long-term sustainability and equitable resilience, despite its substantial potential. This working group, consisting of six practitioner-researchers from across South Africa, provided a unique space for reflection and co-creation. By synthesising ‘voices from practice’, the group aimed to redefine how M&E practitioners can utilise their methods to actively contribute to building equity and resilience, emphasising the importance of incorporating beneficiary perspectives and needs.

Working group members

  • Karen Kotschy, Association for Water and Rural Development and Environmental Learning Research Centre, Rhodes University
  • Ancois de Villiers, Department of Conservation Ecology and Entomology, Stellenbosch University and Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology, Leiden University
  • Paul Mvulane, Environmental Learning Research Centre, Rhodes University
  • Sue Soal, Independent facilitator, evaluator, and organisational process consultant
  • Glenda Raven, Independent consultant, Learning for Change
  • Michelle Hiestermann, Water Research Commission, now at the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

Working group outputs

Using monitoring and evaluation to build transformative equity and resilience

Policy toolkit

Harnessing the power of monitoring and evaluation for equitable resilience

Knowledge Exchange poster


Using monitoring and evaluation to build equity and resilience

Learn how the Southern African Resilience Academy’s Monitoring and Evaluation Working Group worked with a range of participants to distill themes and insight on building equitable resilience.