Policy Documents

COP29 Resilience Hub Synthesis Report

This report synthesises the main messages from the COP29 Resilience Hub.

Regional Hubs Virtual Summit Report

This report outlines the key insights and outcomes from the 2024 Regional Resilience Hubs.

Resilience Day at Climate Week NYC: Innovating and investing for people and planet

This report outlines the key insights and messages that emerged from Resilience Day at Climate Week NYC 2024.

The Resilience Hub at London Climate Action Week

This report outlines the key insights and messages that emerged from the 2024 London Climate Action Week Resilience Hub kickoff event.

Sharm-el-Sheikh Adaptation Agenda Implementation Report

The Sharm El-Sheikh Adaptation Agenda (SAA) offers near-term solutions for resilience, addressing global challenges, with transformative opportunities highlighted in this implementation report.

COP 28 Resilience Hub Synthesis Report

This report synthesises the key findings and recommendations for action from the COP28 Resilience Hub and aims to help set the direction for future action towards COP29 and beyond. The report first provides an overview of the key adaptation and resilience decisions and announcements that took place during COP28; it then presents the key messages and findings from the events of the Resilience Hub and offers concluding remarks and a guidepost for the year ahead.

COP27 Resilience Hub Synthesis Report

The report synthesises the main messages from the COP27 Resilience Hub and aims to help set the direction for future action towards COP28 and beyond.

COP26 Resilience Hub Synthesis Report

This report synthesises the main messages from the Resilience Hub and aims to help set the direction for future action towards COP27 and beyond. The report first provides an overview of the key adaptation and resilience decisions and announcements that took place during COP26; it then presents the key messages resulting from the events of the Resilience Hub and offers concluding remarks on next steps towards COP27 and beyond.

Statement: Water Governance for Resilient Food Systems for Future Climates

To mark the 2021 United Nations Food Systems Summit (UNFSS) a group of 31 globally diverse practitioners and researchers, sound a clarion call for water resilience to be brought to the forefront of building resilient and sustainable food systems that can provision communities, economies and ecosystems into a rapidly changing world.

Latin American Regional Resilience Dialogue Outcome Document

This dialogue is part of a series of regional dialogues convened with non-party stakeholders, organized by the Global Resilience Partnership together with Climate Resilience Network of the UNFCCC Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action (MPGCA) with the support of the Chile and UK High Level Champions (HLCs), Gonzalo Muñoz and Nigel Topping.