Reports & Case studies

Resilience Insights

The Resilience Insights Report distils and illuminates the latest evidence from across the breadth of the Global Resilience Partnership to inform future resilience programming at a time when it is more important than ever.

Synthesis of Water Window Challenge Results

The Water Window Challenge comprises 11 Challenge Winners that implemented 12 projects. Water Window Challenge Winners were funded by the Z Zurich Foundation. This synthesis summarizes progress the Challenge Winners have made, and how they have done it.

Synthesis of Global Resilience Challenge Results

Ten projects focused on transforming risks around shocks and stresses experienced across the target geographies into opportunities, with the overarching objective of reaching millions of people. Funded by USAID, each grantee received up to US$1.45 million to implement and scale up their resilience solutions. This synthesis stock-takes and synthesizes the progress made by the Global Resilience Challenge projects.

Case study: Lessons of Challenge Funds for Resilience Building

This case study looks at evidence of good practice in the use of Challenge Funds to deliver resilience outcomes based on a review of literature.

Case Study: Examples of Effective Resilience Programming

42 programs that were either funded or implemented by members of the GRP were reviewed to gather the best insights from the whole community. Where possible, the effectiveness of a particular intervention is provided based on robust quantitative or mixed methods data, which was prioritized as part of this review.

The GRAID Briefs

GRAID is a programme hosted by the Stockholm Resilience Centre (SRC) and funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). It aims to bridge the worlds of resilience thinking and development practice.

Resilience Action Dialogue II

Key highlights: Towards a research-action agenda for resilience and development in southern Africa. This report outlines key outcomes and highlights emerging from discussions held during the second Resilience Action Dialogue in June 2019.

A group of people talking to each other and filling out a form together.

GRP Partner’s Meeting Report 2019

Report from GRP's Partners Meeting held in Addis Ababa in 2019.

Inventory of Digital Technologies for Resilience in Asia- Pacific

This inventory was developed by FHI 360 through a grant provided by the Rockefeller Foundation in order to support the Global Resilience Partnership. It was primarily populated through a crowdsourced call for submissions that took place in March 2017. Given the crowdsourced nature of this inventory, responsibility for the accuracy of the content rests solely with the individuals who made submissions. Inclusion in this inventory is by no means an endorsement by the Rockefeller Foundation, FHI 360 or the Global Resilience Partnership.