
Building a sustainable flood resilient future

Event, Wednesday 29 August 2018 in partnership with Z Zurich Foundation and IUCN. A World Water Week affiliate event

Floods cause more damage worldwide than any other type of natural disaster and cause some of the largest economic, social and humanitarian losses.

This session will showcase the outcomes of the $10-million-dollar Water Window Challenge funded by the Z Zurich Foundation through the GRP. The Water Window Challenge was designed to surface new innovative ideas and solutions to help flood prone communities reduce their exposure to flood risks, protect ecosystems and increase their ability to grow successfully in the face of uncertainty. 

The session will include talks from project leaders from the field to highlight both the challenges and successes of building a sustainable flood resilient future under the uncertainty of a changing climate. The PechaKucha style presentations will highlight:

  • Transboundary collaboration and investment to create flood resilience across watersheds in Indonesia with Nyoman Prayoga from Mercy Corps Indonesia, 
  • Conservation of mangroves among vulnerable communities in Sri Lanka with Karen Peterson from Seacology, and
  • Ecology and gender based flood resilience in Vietnma with Philip Bubeck from Unviersity of Potsdam

As a co-host James Dalton from IUCN will provide expertise on the role of nature based solutions. David Nash from Z Zurich Foundation and GRP’s Nate Matthews will also provide additional contributions to the session. 

Read more about the panel here.