News & Opinions

Surviving the aftermath of heavy snowfall in Merak, Bhutan: A story of tackling Loss and Damage

In Merak, Bhutan, we meet Ms. Pema Wangmo, who, with the help of her community, worked to restore greenhouses destroyed by climate change-induced snow fall. This is the fifth of the “Voices from the Frontline (Phase III)” stories by GRP and ICCCAD supported by Irish Aid.

The struggles of a herder from Rasuwa, Nepal

In Rasuwa, Nepal, we meet Pasang Norchel Tamang who share his struggles with cattle herding and its effects due to a changing climate. This is the fourth of the “Voices from the Frontline (Phase III)” stories by GRP and ICCCAD supported by Irish Aid.

Resilience Academy in South Asia: Inspiring participants to share their perspectives

A special supplement of Climate Tribune in Bangladesh published reflections on loss and damage from the 2022 participants of the academy.

Climate crisis swings rural school children into action in Zambia

In this story by Knowledge Into Use awards winner, Enoch Mwangilwa, children from the Chongololo and Chipembele Conservation Clubs are making a difference by using art and peer-to-peer climate education to encourage their communities to adopt sustainable practices.

Mongla, Bangladesh: A model of successful adaptability 

In Mongal, Bangladesh the community and the mayor are working together to adapt to climate change. This is the third of the “Voices from the Frontline (Phase III)” stories by GRP and ICCCAD supported by Irish Aid.

SDI at the Resilience Evidence Forum

Ariana Karamallis from SDI shares their programming at the Resilience Evidence Forum and highlights SDI's work.

A house of dreams: Dipikaben’s tryst with climate resilient housing

In Ahmedabad, India, Mahila Housing Trust works with community members to update their homes to be climate resilient. This is the second of the “Voices from the Frontline (Phase III)” stories by GRP and ICCCAD supported by Irish Aid.

Job opportunity: Private Sector Partnerships and Business Development Officer

We are looking for a Private Sector Partnerships and Business Development Officer who will work as part of the GRP Secretariat. Applications are due by 30 June 2023.

Voices of vulnerability and effort: Kunburudhoo Island’s experience with climate change induced Loss and Damage 

The Kunburudhoo Island community in the Maldives plants trees to combat the effects of climate induced loss and damage like beach erosion and salinization. This is the first of the “Voices from the Frontline (Phase III)” stories by GRP and ICCCAD supported by Irish Aid.

Lives of the Lakes – Indigenous hydrological resilience in Valsad district

Photo story by one of our Knowledge Into Use Awards winners, Rhea Shah, showcasing how people in Sarodhi, India utilise indigenous knowledge to build community resilience.